г. Алматы

ул. Толе би 155А офис 302
Склад - Бокейханова 147а

Fiber Converter CVT10 Pro

Fiber Converter CVT10 Pro

  • control port 1x type-B USB
  • Ethernet ports 10
  • Models include the CVT10 Pro-S (single-mode) and the CVT10 Pro-M (multi-mode).
  • 2x optical ports with hot-swappable optical modules installed at the factory, bandwidth of each up to 10 Gbit/s
  • 10x Gigabit Ethernet ports, bandwidth of each up to 1 Gbit/s
    − Fiber in and Ethernet out
    If the input device has 8 or 16 Ethernet ports, the first 8 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 Pro are available.
    If the input device has 10 or 20 Ethernet ports, all the 10 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 Pro are available. If Ethernet ports 9 and 10 are found unavailable, they will be available after upgrading in the future.
    − Ethernet in and fiber out
    All the 10 Ethernet ports of the CVT10 Pro are available.
  •  1x type-B USB control port

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