ул. Толе би 155А офис 302
Склад - Бокейханова 147а
The MCTRL R5 is the first LED display controller of NovaStar that supports display rotation. A single MCTRL R5 features a loading capacity of up to 3840×1080@60Hz.
It supports any custom resolutions within this capacity, meeting the on-site configuration requirements of ultra-long or ultra-wide LED displays.
Working with the A8s or A10s Plus receiving card, the MCTRL R5 supports free screen configuration in SmartLCT and allows for display rotation at any angle to present a variety of images and bring an amazing visual experience to users.
The MCTRL R5 can be mainly used in rental and fixed applications, such as concerts, live events, monitoring centers, Olympic Games and various sports centers.
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г. Алматы, ул. Толе би 155А офис 302 Склад - Бокейханова 147а
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